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Hengistbury Head

H&L provided support to Bournemouth Borough Council’s Parks Department to help them secure their ambition for a much needed visitor centre for the popular Hengistbury Head site adjacent to Christchurch Harbour. Martin Cooke’s involvement started early through assisting in the resubmission of an HLF round 1 application, the success of this bid led to project management support for the project through the development and delivery stages.

This £1m Visitor Centre was adapted from an existing thatched barn with a single storey extension added that incorporates a grass roof and straw insulation in the walls. In addition the centre has a stunning wildlife garden managing by volunteers.

The Centre was funded with £300,000 from developer contributions, £432,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund and £300,000 from the landfill community fund.

The Centre opened in 2014 and has an extensive exhibition explaining the geology, wildlife and long history of human occupation of the site.